Rumi’s Ghazal 1187: In the Realm of Love
Your love arrived later yet surpasses those before, exceeding previous passions; God decreed, “Those who come later will advance further.”
Its seal is adorned with the verse, “Indeed, We have opened,” inscribed in golden script; its forms emerge from the azure sea of life.
Adam returned once more to ascend the throne of faith. The leaders proclaimed by the verse “We lined up in rows” bowed in gratitude.
Against the ranks of lovers in this world, what significance does Rustam hold? Daily, lovers charge their dark steeds across the sea of blood.
Such grandeur, such majesty, results in hundreds of severed heads joyously bobbing in the bloodied sea, laughing and swimming, proclaiming, “Indeed, to Him we shall return.”
Should the shadow of a lover fall upon a mountain made of stone, it too would leap from its place, the heavens above, ninefold, would start proclaiming, “It is true, we believe”; if in doubt, try and see for yourself.
Light shone, striking the mountain; listen to the tumult within—after all, the mountain is destitute. Who claims a station where even Moses felt overpowered?
Before Moses, the heavens were but a simple ladder; where are the heavens? Where the rope? Where is the soul? Where is the base world?
Consider the body a handful of straws under which lies the Sea of the Soul. Though a spark outside, you are a hundred suns inside.
You are the sun, a golden platter, your pot boiled by God, your meal cooked by Him; you were once the sought, now you are the seeker.
That which was bare has leafed this year, sprouting from the earth, growing tall, enchanting itself.
The soul intoxicated by its offered goblet; ah, what a fine cup, what a lovely bowl; such a bowl that even the celestial dome bows down in prostration.
O Shams of Tabriz, O beauty envied even by the paradisal garden and the vineyards of Eden, with your grace, you’ve begun to play my harp, turning me into an organon in the realm of love.
About Rumi
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (also Jalal ad-did Muhammad Balkhi, best known as Rumi, l. 1207-1273 AD) was a Persian Islamic theologian and scholar but became famous as a mystic poet whose work focuses on the possibility of a meaningful and sublime life through personal realization and love of God.
Rumi was a devout Muslim and although his poetry emphasizes a transcendence over religious strictures and dogma, it is rooted in an Islamic worldview. Rumi’s God, however, is open to all, regardless of their faith, and the desire to know and praise this God is all that is required for a spiritual life. A selection of his poems have been translated by Ali Salami under the title Serenades of Love.
گر آخر آمد عشق تو گردد ز اولها فزون
بنوشت توقیعت خدا کاخرون السابقون
سر کرده صورتهای او از بحر جان آبگون
در سجده شکر آمده سرهای نحن الصافون
شبدیز می رانند خوش هر روز در دریای خون
رقصان و خندان چون شکر ز انا الیه راجعون
نه چرخ صدقها زند تو منکری نک آزمون
خود کوه مسکین که بود آن جا که شد موسی زبون
کو آسمان کو ریسمان کو جان کو دنیای دون
گرچه ز بیرون ذرهای صد آفتابی از درون
مطلوب بودی در سبق طالب شدستی تو کنون
سر از زمین برداشته بر خویش می خواند فسون
طاسی که بهر سجدهاش شد طشت گردون سرنگون
تا چنگ اندر من زدی در عشق گشتم ارغنون